5 star bomb vs. gynecologist: The verdict is in


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
OK, so earlier today I received emails from both gyno and 5 star bomb.

Gyno's email was one big forward of the entire ongoing email conversation between the two posters from December 24th through February 3rd. It is at this point that gyno says the emailing stopped, that that Sunday was the last time he has emailed 5 star.

5 star forwarded me an email containing just the communication history from Monday, February 4th through Wednesday, February 6th. He only provided these ones because I was already in possession of the ones that occurred prior to that date.

Just to refresh, the issue at hand is whether or not these emails after the 3rd even exist. These specific emails are of interest because 5 star claims that in these emails, gyno has been whining like a little bitch about getting the $50 he's owed. Gyno claims they don't exist and that he hasn't been bitching at all about the money. The details can be found here: http://forum.therx.com/showthread.php?t=558794

After reviewing the documents, I've reached a verdict: 5 star bomb was correct that the emails did in fact exist...but only because he fabricated them. It is my opinion that he fabricated the emails between gyno and himself, in an attempt to deceive me and the forum and make gyno look like a lying, whiny prick.

Simply stated (for special posters such as TTP and steak tarter), I think he pretended to be gyno and made up an email dialogue between gyno and himself.

I will provide the reasons for my assessment, but let me first state that everything would make a lot more sense if you were able to see the emails for yourself. So I urge both 5 star bomb and gyno to allow me to post the emails in question, so you all can see exactly what I'm talking about and what led me to my verdict. The ball is in their court in this regard. On to the reasons, which are NOT in order of importance/significance, so read them all:

1) The forwarded email 5 star bomb sent me wasn't arranged in typical ascending chronological order. As in, normally when one forwards an email, the previous emails included in it are arranged from most recent email at the top to oldest at the bottom. Gyno's forwarded email is arranged in this order. 5 star bomb's is not.

I considered the fact that maybe different email servers treat this differently. I was able to actually check my theory, though, as 5 star bomb sent the email from an AOL account, and I also have one. Sure enough, when I forwarded an email it was in the typical ascending chronological order, like gyno's, and NOT like 5 star bomb's.

This might seem minor, but if you delve deeper you'll realize the importance of this. The way the emails were arranged in 5 star's forward would require him to literally copy and paste every individual email entry. He couldn't simply drag the mouse down and copy one entry, go to the composed email browser, paste it, and repeat the process no less than 3-4 times, which would certainly qualify as hassle considering he could've just hit the forward button and assumed I'm competent enough to figure out how forwarded emails are arranged. This seems too unorthodox to be merely a coincidence.

Potential issue with reason #1: Maybe he DID copy and paste all the emails because he thought I was a fucking moron and couldn't figure out how forwarded emails worked. I doubt this is the case, though, not because I'm not a moron, but rather because it's too much of a hassle for essentially no reason.

2) In the emails I think are fabricated, "gyno" refers to 5 star bomb as "J," which is obviously short for his real first name. This concerned me because in the previous 17 emails gyno wrote that were sent between Dec. 24 and Feb. 3, he didn't once refer to 5 star as, "J." In fact, he didn't even once refer to him by his full first name. In two of the emails in question, however, he refers to 5 star bomb as "J," twice in the span of three emails.

Potential issue with reason #2: Maybe gyno randomly decided to start referring to 5 star bomb by "J." To me, however, it neither jibes with gyno's previous word usage nor seems reasonable to use it twice so suddenly after a long history of not doing so.

3) The spelling/correct form use of the word, "your/you're." In the emails in question, the end of one of gyno's sentences reads, "but I will if I feel your going to stiff me." This is obviously a common grammatical mistake, but consider this: it was misspelled in the first apparently fabricated email, but gyno never misused it in the previous 17 emails. Not once In fact, it seems he went out of his way to make sure he used it correctly. He only used the word twice in the 17 emails, but in phrases where the same mistake would almost certainly be made: "You're the man," and, "you're sending via paypal."

To magnify the issue, 5 star bomb routinely misuses the word, saying such phrases as, "your one of the best," "I'm sure your aware of," and, "your one of the top cappers."

I'm not 100% sure if 5 star bomb fully understands how to correctly determine which form of the word to use, but regardless, gyno did demonstrate the ability to do so.

Potential issue with reason #3: Again, maybe gyno did simply make a mistake this one time, and it just happened to be in one of the emails in question. But the writing style and history of both posters in the emails leads me to believe that this wasn't merely a coincidence.

4) Along the same lines as reason #3, the absence of the apostrophe in the word, "I'm." In the four apparently fabricated emails, gyno uses the word, "I'm" once, without the apostrophe, saying, "im sick of this shit." In the previous 17 emails, however, gyno correctly includes the apostrophe twice, when saying, "I'm not trippin," and, "I'm starting to..." Granted, he only used the word twice, but he did get it right that both times.

And again to magnify the issue, 5 star bomb uses the incorrect spelling, "im" almost 30 times. And he only got it correct once, which actually happened to be in part of an email sent to a different person that happened to be included in their dialogue.

Potential issue with reason #4: Once again, maybe gyno did simply make a mistake these two times, and it just happened to be in two of the emails in question. But again, the writing style and history of both posters in the emails leads me to believe that this wasn't merely a coincidence.

5) The use of the phrase, "compulsive liar." I actually happened to catch this while reading the thread itself. In a post in that thread from today, 5 star bomb, while talking about gyno, says, "Compulsive liars like yourself..."

This by itself is irrelevant. In one of the apparently fabricated emails, however, gyno says about 5 star, "you seem like a compulsive liar." I'm aware that the term is used commonly, but not that commonly.

Potential issue with reason #5: "Compulsive liar," is a common phrase, no question. But is it really that common? And what are the chances of two people both happening to use it to describe the other? But maybe I'm mistaken.

6) There's apparently a dramatic change in attitude by gyno in the span of a day...dramatic enough for me to question whether or not it occurred. On Saturday, Feb. 2rd, gyno says to 5 star that he would've, "paid u da next morning. i had da money waiting for u," if he had lost the bet. 5 star responded to this email apologizing again for the delay and saying that he's been honest throughout the whole ordeal. Then, on Sunday, February 3rd, gyno responds by saying:

"It's cool man I'm not trippin. U just said u were going to do it paypal first now bet jm, then you say Feb 1st now you say you dont know when, then you win all these posted bets and tell me you dont have it? Cant blame me for wondering whats going on.. Anyway GL on superbowl."

It is here that we get first glimpse of possible frustration on gyno's part for the delay in payment. But after another lengthy apology/explanation from 5 star and trading of meaningless emails not pertaining to the situation at hand, we arrive at Monday, February 4th, the day the emails in question commenced. The following are two emails that I believe to be fabricated (sandwiched in between another apology/explanation from 5 star that doesn't need to be included),the first that was sent almost exactly 24 hours after the aforementioned one above:

"J, wtf is the deal now? I dont want to bring this to the forums but I will if I feel your going to stiff me. I dont know what to believe anymore. You have told me lies this whole time."

"Whatever man, im sick of this shit. If you would had won I had the money waiting for you. You would of had it the next day. Unbelievable I never thought you of all people would be slow paying me like this. "

The question I have is this: why the sudden, so incredibly dramatic change in attitude in one day? Literally 24 hours before, gyno was saying that he "wasn't trippin," over the money, but rather was just wondering what was going on. Then he suddenly goes ballistic and starts threatening 5 star by going to the forums and calling him a liar? Where'd that come from?

The dramatic change in attitude is too over the top for me to believe, especially when you consider the spelling/grammatical problems gyno apparently started suffering from despite previously displaying no such issues.

Potential issues with reason #6: If this email wasn't fabricated, then I think one of two potential scenarios occurred: 1) gyno suddenly found himself in desperate need of the $50, and consequently lost his patience and flipped his shit. Or 2) gyno uncovered some information that led him to believe that he was being lied to by 5 star bomb throughout the ordeal.

This could make sense, since he accused 5 star of being a liar, but if scenario #2 is true, how come gyno never included the information? He never said, "well I found out so and so..." or anything of that nature. He just says he doesn't know what to believe anymore, and that 5 star had been telling lies the whole time. Those are pretty strong allegations with no support provided. And on top of that, why didn't 5 star even question gyno about those accusations? In his response, 5 star doesn't even address them. He never asked why gyno suddenly felt like he was being lied to, not even a, "what are you talking about?" That makes me question whether the dialogue actually ever took place, but maybe I'm wrong.

There are other minor issues concerning grammar and word usage that also contribute to my verdict, but they fall under the reasons I've provided above. I want to clarify a few things, though:

- I'm by no means an expert on English or speech analysis. These are just my determinations based on the emails, determinations made by using common sense and knowledge of basic human psychology.

- I feel that I was 100% objective and impartial in this affair. My education and experience in the field of journalism has sharpened my skills in remaining an unbiased observer and reporter, skills I felt were already strong. I had only one agenda: uncovering the truth.

- I had nothing for or against either poster prior to delving into matter, nor do I now. As my posting history will show, I've had my share of pleasant exchanges with both 5 star bomb and gyno. I've also had the pleasure of incessantly bashing both of these individuals for various reasons in the past. Off the top of my head, I can refer to 5 star's ridiculous behavior leading up to the Bears' Super Bowl run a year back, and to gyno's stiff-job of another poster concerning referral bonus money. I showed neither any favoritism or mercy then, nor do I now.

- I've had absolutely zero communication with either 5 star bomb or gyno since I received the complete set of emails this afternoon. I did receive an email from gyno requesting to see 5 star's forwarded emails to me that were apparently sent after the 3rd, but I chose not to respond to his email, as I hadn't finished analyzing all the information and rendered a verdict. So sorry for not responding to the email, gyno, but I felt ignoring your request was the right thing to do.

- I feel that I did the best job I could of protecting the privacy of both posters while still trying to offer the best possible explanations for my verdict. If you feel that I've violated your privacy in any way with this post, please tell me.

- Let me reiterate: I feel strongly that both 5 star bomb and gyno grant me permission to post the emails sent to me. It will give everyone on this forum a chance to better understand the reasons for my verdict because they'll actually be able to see what I'm talking about, as well as give them a chance to make their own determinations. I'm willing to edit any and all personal information prior to posting them, if you allow me to do so. I strongly encourage that this happen.

- Just because I believe that 5 star bomb is lying to us and fabricated those emails doesn't make it fact. While all of the evidence leads me to believe that he did commit these indiscretions, I'm not an authority on the matter. I just read what I read and tried to break it all down analytically in order to find out the truth. Maybe I'm reading too much into things, maybe not. These were just the determinations I made.

But along those lines, I suggest that either you two or myself or someone else seek out some sort of professionally trained writing analyst to pick apart the emails as I have. Or at least consult an English professor at an accredited university. I'm sure they will do a far better job than I did.

- I hope I didn't offend either 5 star bomb or gyno in this post or in my findings. Like I said before, this wasn't personal, just a quest for the truth.

Alright, I think that's it. I'm too lazy to go back and edit this thing before posting, so if there are mistakes or broken sentences or whatever, go fuck yourself. You're all illiterate fucks anyway. :modemman: :sadbb:

And to think, I was actually supposed to get real work done tonight. Awesome. Time to jerk till I die.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Oh, that's something I forgot to include:

I DO NOT think 5 star bomb is a stiff. I truly believe that he intends to pay off his debt as soon as the funds are available to him.

Rx. Junior
Jun 24, 2005
man...if there was a huge population of leopard skin shirt kids at my school they'd be going ape shit like when OJ was ruled to be not guilty.

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
woah.... first of all I give props to Skins. Holy shit was that in depth. BUT.... the emails are 100% authentic straight from Gyno himself. Whether you all want to believe me or not I dont care either way. In my defense just look at the history of me and look at Gyno's history and that should play a part in this as well. As Skins has suggested he is leaning towards me being the guilty party here but hes not 100% sure. Why he thinks im guilty? Bc of grammar and other issues? They were emails from gyno were in the heat of the moment so who knows. Either way I take no offense to what Skins or anyone else has to say so fire away at whatever you guys think here.

SKINS - as for sharing the rest of the emails on the forum. There are a couple things I dont want the rest of the forum to read that may have been sent to you from gyno. These subjects would be me talking about another poster. Not in a negative away but about money issues and etc. Other than that I could care less. The truth will be told. Im NOT GUILTY!

New member
Apr 21, 2002
nice book there Hemingway

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
Oh, that's something I forgot to include:

I DO NOT think 5 star bomb is a stiff. I truly believe that he intends to pay off his debt as soon as the funds are available to him.

As for this. There is a 75% chance gyno and prodigy get paid today. It is in Betjam's hands. As long as they let me transfer funds and not MAKE me do a 1x rollover the money will be in their accounts sometime today. I was transfered money from a buddy who owed me money. I will be contacting betjam later today and I hope they dont make me do a rollover. Im not sure how it works with getting funds from another account. If they make you rollover or not... we will find out soon enough

New member
Apr 21, 2002
dude could you be any more worthless down here?

the answer is no, you couldn't. No go play your high-stakes fantasy basketball and reset your losing systems when you decide to create a new one.

5 star - Can't keep relying on Gyno's history - in fact, I'd say that his history HELPS him here, because why would he want to risk his re-establishment of credibility by bullshitting us once again?

Jesus and I love you Dsethi.

Seriously though, thanks for your concern but I don't give a fuck about your thoughts on this subject.

<img src="http://re3.mm-a10.yimg.com/image/253179863">

That's a picture of a towel. Pick it up, wipe the running mascara from your tear encrusted eyes and stop whining like a little girl with a skinned knee.


Time for your Pabst test ladies
Nov 5, 2007
Very impressive and thorough work, Skins. The ironic thing about this is that it's not the original "crime" (slow paying of a bet) that has caused all the fury, but the subsequent "cover up" (fabricating emails to put a fellow poster in a bad light). Kinda makes it like Watergate. In addition to Skins' analysis of the physical evidence, you have to notice the psychology of the back and forth posting of the plaintiff and defendant. In the original thread http://www.therxforum.com/showthread.php?t=558794&page=3 5 star doesn't even hint about Gyno whining in emails until post 62...at which point Gyno calls bullshit immediately, and continues from that point to deny vehemently and confidently that said charge was a fabrication. Like most others I have no dog in this fight, just making an observation.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
well ill be a motherfucker dont that beat all

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Wholly Fuck

Nice work Skins.

Im glad in your conclusions you do not feel Bomb would stiff as that is what I have always felt.

I will say these made up emails are something I didnt think he would do but he probably got desperate.

Nice work and hopefully Bomb will explain more about these emails

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
man...if there was a huge population of leopard skin shirt kids at my school they'd be going ape shit like when OJ was ruled to be not guilty.

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